On January 10, 2018, Finance Minister Cameron Friesen announced that the review of the province’s pension laws had been completed by The Pension Committee of Manitoba.  A public consultation period with a submission deadline of February 21, 2018 was also announced at that time along with the release of a consultation paper and the commission’s recommendations for reforms to The Pension Benefits Act.
While RTAM developed a plan of action to respond to the recommendations of The Pension Benefits Act Review, collaborative contact with The Manitoba Teachers’ Society (MTS) was also made.  The result was the submission of a joint RTAM-MTS “Response to the Consultation Paper The Pension Benefits Act Review”.  To view the joint MTS-RTAM submission click here.
RTAM also belongs to the national association of retired teachers, Association canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants retraités-Canadian Association of Retired Teachers (ACER-CART).  ACER-CART, in turn, is part of The Canadian Coalition for Retirement Security (CCRS).  CCRS also responded to the call for consultation on the The Pension Committee of Manitoba’s recommendations for reforms to The Pension Benefits Act.  To view the CCRS brief click here.

Download > Joint MTS - RTAM PBA Submission 21 February 2018

Download > CCRS Brief to the Pension Commission of Manitoba - CCRS - Feb 21 2018