The Retired Teachers' Association of Manitoba (RTAM) is proud to announce a partnership with the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba (ASM)
Thanks to our ongoing work and development through the Manitoba Seniors Coalition, RTAM has been able to form another partnership to help deliver information, online seminars and supports to our community of retired teachers. The main office for the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba is 10-120 Donald Street, Winnipeg, however, the organization has six regional offices to support members across the province. Their website showcases a variety of programs and services that can be of support to individuals and families in different stages of their journey:
- Interlake/Eastern Selkirk
- North Central Portage La Prairie
- Parkland Dauphin
- South Central Winkler
- South Eastman Steinbach
- Westman Brandon
Their incredibly helpful team and staff are here to inform and support those going through changes related to dementia, their website has lots of links which can act as an amazing resource as well for News and Updates, Learning About Dementia and also Living with Dementia. We encourage all of our members wanting to learn more about Alzheimer's and the communities here in Manitoba which can assist with support, help and learning.
To further assist in helping create a comfortable learning environment and safe place to ask questions, RTAM has committed to running Free Online Seminars with the Alzheimer's Society of Manitoba every 6 months moving forward. These sessions will take place on Zoom and are free for all RTAM members to attend (pre-registration is required). Sessions take place in the morning (usually around 9:30 a.m. or 10:00 a.m.) and they last about an hour to an hour and a half. Each presentation will focus on a unique topic and allow members to ask questions of the presenters and ASM staff towards the end of the webinar. To learn more about upcoming presentations, please read the bio's below and click through to register.
Dementia Friendly Communities Presentation
Wednesday November 29, 2023 - 10:00 a.m.
Dementia-friendly communities include and support people living with dementia in the places they work, live and play. People living with the disease feel supported by their community members whether they are at post offices, retail outlets, using transportation or enjoying hobbies out in the community. Join us on Wednesday the 29th as we look to discuss some of the topics listed below!
- Building dementia-friendly communities online course
- What is a dementia-friendly community?
- Characteristics of a dementia-friendly community
- What does a dementia-friendly social environment look like?
- What about a dementia-friendly physical environment?
Register Here - Registration is Open and Free to Members
Understanding Dementia
Wednesday February 28, 2024 - 10:00 a.m.
Dementia is an overall term for a set of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain. Symptoms may include memory loss, experiencing difficulties with problem-solving, and language that is severe enough to impact a person’s ability to perform everyday activities independently. A person living with dementia may also experience changes in mood or behaviour. Dementia is progressive, which means the symptoms will gradually get worse as more brain cells become damaged and eventually die. The most common types of dementia are Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia (due to recurring strokes). Some of the other types of dementia include Lewy Body dementia, Frontotemporal dementia, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington disease. These conditions can have similar and overlapping symptoms. Join us on the 28th to discuss dementia and learn about how it may impact you or someone you love.