Union Savings

Union Savings - Offering a wide array of member benefits to RTAM members, who want to sign up and join!

Union Savings is an independent company and organization from RTAM. RTAM members, may of their own choosing follow up with Union Savings and apply for a membership with their program to access their discounts and services. RTAM does not benefit, manage or oversee any of the programs, partnerships or costs associated with Union Savings, they are a seperate entity.

  1. It’s free. We were founded by labour unions and are run by labour unions. Our program has always been free for unions to offer and free for their members to access.

  2. It’s an added benefit for you as an RTAM member. Life is expensive, providing members with cost-saving discounts while they're at home or traveling means that our affiliated unions can concentrate on providing members with strong contracts and union representation.

  3. Unions and Non Profit Organizations can use the Union Savings’ program as an engagement tool for organizing and retention.

  4. We work with other retiree unions namely the Congress of Union Retirees of Canada and have had the Manitoba Teachers Society as an affiliated association for many years.

Members have access to discounts ranging from online shopping to home and auto insurance to discounts on hotels and car rentals worldwide. Most of our discounts are for items that are purchased online and not in store.

Over the last 30 years, the organization has grown with over 190 affiliated unions and locals ranging from large public and private sector unions to small regional associations. To ensure that we remain union focused our Board of Directors is made up of union representatives elected from our various affiliated unions. Currently our board is made up of representatives from PSAC, SEIU Healthcare, United Steelworkers, Teamsters, the Carpenters, UFCW, IBEW and IATSE. 

Visit the Union Savings website to learn more or sign up for a membership - Union Savings

Click the image below to visit their flyer and learn more!
