Executive Committee Updates: July 2024

Executive Report for the July 2024 e-newsletter

Many of you have no doubt planted a kitchen garden or flower garden of some kind, and we all need drier hotter weather. My corn which was planed just before all the rain in late May hasn’t germinated after three weeks, so I’ll have to do some replanting of that patch.

Pretty well every day at home in Ochre River, I walk 5 Kilometers in the evening after supper, and I always walk past the home of Nick Wingie who is 85 years old, and has been gardening ever since his retirement. Nick is a retired teacher from Turtle River School Division in the Ste Rose area, and he loves talking gardening, and I have learned a lot from him. He has always started or ended our quick walk-pass conversations with, “How’s your garden doing”. I remember asking Nick once how is he able to keep his garden so free of weeds, and he replied, “I just stump on them”. No, that’s not what he does, he uses the small shovel as in the photo, and removes the weeds early and quickly while they are still young.

Gabe July Photo

Retired teacher Nick Wingie tending his garden


Activities and Correspondence

I attended the L’Association canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants retraités – Canadian Association of Retired Teachers (ACER-CART) meeting in Ottawa and some members expressed high praise for the report from RTAM, thanks to the work of our Executive Director Sean Seawright.

ACER-CART priorities for 2024- 2025: ACER-CART will continue elevating the profile of our National Association in provincial associations and all levels of government.

  • Priority
    • ACER-CART will, in collaboration with like-minded organizations, to develop strategies for aging at home.
  • Strategies
    • a. Advocate for the development and implementation of National Senior’s strategy which includes a universal nation Pharmacare program and combat the move towards privatization
    • b. Advocate for public health care system that priorities care in senior own home (or community) for as long as possible
    • c. Support members in their efforts to achieve full cost of living pension adjustments: and
    • d. Complete the strategic plan
  • Other ACER CART Updates:
    • Our Life Member (90+) certificates was sent out to Jon Baker
    • Ontario represented Canadian retired teachers at UN conference
    • Networking
    • Spoke to the British Colombia Retired Teacher Association (BCRTA) retired teachers’ group and they wanted to know about our efforts in developing a Community Membership with the University of Manitoba (U of M).
    • BCRTA wants to do a deal with the U of M if we fail developing a Community Membership with our RTAM membership
    • ACER-CART memberships nationally are interested in our online workshops and possible links provided to the ACER -CART website nation wide. I agree some workshops are also already full!

Board Meeting

  • As a board we had a reorganizational meeting on June 21, filled our various positions and many elected members of the board have indicated their committee preferences. We will continue working with the new board membership on committee development needs, and the recruitment of committee members from our RTAM membership.
  • Also, on June 20th the board had a day workshop on board governance/operation and policies with presenter Kevin Freedman. He also made a presentation on Finance, which gave board members a good insight on reading/understanding aspects of an income statement and balance sheet.

Golf tournament

Again, our golf tournament is just around the corner and we're excited to grow the event for another year. We will be heading back to Quarry Oaks for the second year in a row to experience 9 new holes as part of their 27-hole offerings. We are also going to be adding new events and features for those members taking part in the event:

  • Chance to win a car with a hole in one!
  • Photo booth for golfers to remember the day!
  • More prizes and snacks for everyone!!!
  • SAVE THE DATE - Friday August 30th, 2024
  • Please check the event page regularly for a list of upcoming events.

Have a restful and enjoyable summer!


Sincerely – The Executive Committee

Gabe Mercier, President

Linda Blair, Past President

Jayesh Mania, Secretary

Jocelyne Fraser, Treasurer

Sean Seywright, Executive Director