
RTAM and iAccompany - A partnership supporting members in a time of need.

About iAccompany - Peace of Mind, for when family simply can’t be there

iAccompany provides improved appointment outcomes for aging adults visiting their healthcare providers. Our enabling technology, both web-based and mobile applications, allows you to book an appointment with one of our qualified nurses (BN, RN, LPN) for aging adults or family loved ones.

Our iAccompany nurse will:
• arrive at your aging parent or loved one’s residence/location and accompany them to their appointment through pre-arranged accessible commercial transportation.
• be present in the examination room with the healthcare provider.
• take notes on the information the physician provides, ask clarifying questions on behalf of the family and understand recommended protocols.
• arrange for follow-up appointments.
• accompany your aging parent or loved one to post-appointment activities such as the pharmacy, lab or medical supplies vendor.
• accompany your aging parent or loved one safely back to their residence/location.
• provide a clear and concise peer-reviewed written report after the appointment, which will be provided through a secure link to your email and phone.

Our service is built to accommodate the schedules of retired teachers. We assist the retired teacher with the responsibility of caring for an aging parent or family loved one. We can help relieve any guilt or stress associated with caring for aging loved ones and being involved in their healthcare needs. Our service addresses caregiver fatigue by allowing you to stay connected even when iAccompany assumes the role of family representative. IAccompany provides peace of mind through our qualified and passionate nurses who will treat your loved one as their own. We would love to offer members of the RTAM who are interested in using our service a complimentary experience of our service. Looking forward to exploring how we can help your members further.

iAccompany Final Flyer

Winnipeg Free Press article on IAccompany - "It's the next best thing to being there"

Video Testimonial from RTAM Member - Linda Scott

For more information please visit and contact iAccompany:

(204) 291-4779  //  www.iaccompany.ca // This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. // 380 Montrose Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba - Canada