Member Application Forms (2022)


  1. A retired teacher who has a Permanent Manitoba Teaching Certificate and 5 years of teaching experience but does not receive a pension from TRAF.
  2. If you do not meet this criteria, complete Associate Member application.

Full Member Application Non TRAF


  1. Full Member criteria: Has a Permanent Manitoba Teaching Certificate from the Department of Education plus 5 years of teaching experience.
  2. Associate Membership: If you do not meet the above criteria, fill out Associate Membership Form.

Full Member Application TRAF


  1. An educator, resident in Manitoba, who is in receipt of a pension from a teacher’s fund in a Canadian jurisdiction outside of Manitoba, or
  2. An educator in receipt of a Manitoba Civil Service Superannuation Fund (CSSF) pension, or resident in Manitoba and in receipt of an equivalent pension from a Canadian jurisdiction outside of Manitoba, or
  3. A non-educator in receipt of a TRAF pension, or 
  4. A person who holds a teaching certificate, who is not retired, who is contributing to TRAF, the CSSF, or its equivalent in a Canadian jurisdiction, and who is a member of the RTAM Long Term Care Plan, or
  5. A person who is not retired, who is contributing to a Manitoba university or college pension fund, or its equivalent in a Canadian jurisdiction outside of Manitoba, and is a member of the RTAM Long Term Care Plan, or
  6. The spouse/partner of a full or associate member, or
  7. The surviving spouse/partner of a full or associate member.

Associate Membership

The RTAM Chapter Initiative Grant (CIG)

CIG is available to chapters to promote member engagement. Chapters are urged to develop a project and/or activity that meets the unique needs of their individual membership. Once the plan has been formulated, an application form (attached) should be completed and sent to the RTAM office. Each chapter is eligible for a subsidy of up to $250 per fiscal year to assist with their project. Be aware that funding is limited. Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing.

RTAM Chapter Innitiative Grant

The RTAM Wellness Initiative Grant (WIG)

The RTAM Wellness Initiative Grant (WIG) is available to chapters to promote member engagement. Chapters are urged to develop a project and/or activity that meets the unique needs of their individual membership. Once the plan has been formulated, an application form (attached) should be completed and sent to the RTAM office. Each chapter is eligible for a subsidy of up to $250 per fiscal year to assist with their project. Be aware that funding is limited. Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing.

RTAM Wellness Initiative Grant Application Form Mar 2022