Retired Teachers' Association of Manitoba


Education professionals understand the three R’s, says Dave Bernard. He is the author of the books; I Want to Retire and Navigating the Retirement Jungle and suggests five pillars for a happy retirement.

  1. Reward yourself. Do not put pressure on yourself. Be as busy or leisurely as you wish. That freedom is its own reward.
  1. Rejuvenate your life. With the pace of work, you can get locked in to certain behaviours and habits. Now’s the chance for a fresh start.
  1. Refocus your energies. You have time for things in life that may not have always received the full attention they deserved – your family, friends and health, not to mention your passions outside work.
  1. Renew your interests. Revisit old pastimes or pick up new ones, whatever engages you.
  1. Respect your limitations. “Try not to regret what you can no longer do, but instead rejoice at what you are still capable of,” says Bernard.

Retired Teachers of Ontario


Retired Teachers of Ontario www.rto-ero.org

Compiled by Beth Smith, Chair of Membership & Chapters Committee

At the RTAM Chapter Presidents Meeting in May 2017, retired teachers were asked what they would like to tell active teachers about retirement. The material provided below is informational in nature and not formal advice.