K to 12 Action Plan

The Retired Teachers Association of Manitoba (RTAM) and Minister Wayne Ewasko, would like your feedback to help shape the future of education in Manitoba.

It is with great pleasure that on behalf of RTAM I've been asked by the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Learning to provide feedback on the province's K-12 Education Action Plan. Please find a link to the plan here: Manitoba's K to 12 Education Action Plan (gov.mb.ca).
We are asking for your feedback on the plan so we can best prepare a fulsome RTAM submission to the Minister. I was quite encouraged by my most recent conversation with the Minister as he viewed RTAM as a stakeholder in the plan and was actively looking for our input. 
As we all know this can be a wide-ranging topic, I please ask that you first review the plan and align your comments within the 4 featured pillars:
  • High-Quality Learning: to improve learning and outcomes for students through responsive and relevant curriculum and learning experiences in safe and inclusive learning environments.
  • Student Engagement and Well-Being: to respond to diverse life experiences, engage students, promote well-being, support successful transitions and leverage inter-sectoral partnerships.
  • Excellence in Teaching and Leadershipto ensure teachers, school staff and leaders have the knowledge, skills and tools to support student achievement and well-being.
  • Responsive Systems: to ensure an equitable, aligned and effective public education system that focuses on engagement, inclusion and planning for provincial and local needs.
If you could please provide your comments by November 30, 2022 it would be greatly appreciated. We are planning to combine everyone's feedback and are then hoping to provide it to the minister and meet with him later this year. 
Thank you in advance for volunteering your time and energy and I look forward to your feedback. It is encouraging to be seen as a stakeholder with the minister and I'm looking forward to continuing to engage with government on this and other topics. 
Best wishes,
Linda Blair
RTAM President
Linda and Wayne